Simple ASCII Chart is a lightweight and flexible TypeScript library designed to create customizable ASCII charts directly in the terminal. It allows you to visualize two-dimensional data, create multiple series, and customize appearance with settings like colors, formatting, and axis labels.

Simple ASCII Chart
let step = 0;
const interval = 0.1;
const maxPoints = 20;
const sinPoints: Point[] = [];
const cosPoints: Point[] = [];

setInterval(() => {

  sinPoints.push([step, Math.sin(step)]);
  cosPoints.push([step, Math.cos(step)]);

  if (sinPoints.length > maxPoints) sinPoints.shift();
  if (cosPoints.length > maxPoints) cosPoints.shift();

    plot([sinPoints, cosPoints], {
      showTickLabel: true,
      color: ['ansiRed', 'ansiBlue'],
      width: 120,
      height: 16,
      yRange: [-1, 1],
      xLabel: 'Step (π)',
      yLabel: 'Amplitude',
      legend: { position: 'bottom', series: ['Sine', 'Cosine'] },
      axisCenter: [undefined, 0],
      formatter: (x, { axis }) => {
        if (axis === 'y') return x;
        return `${(x / Math.PI).toFixed(1)}π`;

  step += interval;
}, 200);`

With Simple ASCII Chart, you can generate insightful, minimalistic charts that work well in terminal environments, making it ideal for command-line tools or logging important data.

Explore the interactive playground or learn more about the API and configuration settings.
simple-ascii-chart NPM package
simple-ascii-chart repo
simple-ascii-chart-cli NPM package
simple-ascii-chart-cli repo